Apache II

Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation system 

micro Services is very pleased to announce a low cost data management system for the collection and processing of  APACHE  equation data.

More Infomation contact us.

This program  allows your staff to efficiently enter valid data and process the data using the APACHE II equation. Micro services software was used exclusively by Alameda county Medical center to process over 17,000 ICU admissions From 1997.   All use of the word "APACHE" are related to these words."Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation " 

The software  used on wireless carts and data was entered at the patient bedside.

The software can run single user or server based either client server or terminal server .

This software has its own multi user database or can be adapted to a mySql or SQL server database.

The typical requirements are

Windows XP or Later on the workstation.

A Microsoft server 2003 or later.

50 megabytes of server storage space with an additional 10 megs per year of data based on 5000 records per year.

Customization and interfaces to either a bar code reader or your master patient database are feasible and offered on a T& M basis and are feasible only if your HIS systems providers will allow. We can read from any ODBC   source.




Sample Report

                                 This service Surgery
Diagnosis         Diagscor   # PTS.   IA     Avg. PM  Avg Actua Mort  Expired  
Postop -- Other cardi 118    355     11.4958 10.4648  10.4225         37
GI perforation/obstru 116    176     12.7443 19.1852   9.0909         16
Postop -- Other gastr 120    150     14.5600 17.9960   6.6667         10
Cardiovascular failur 26     150     18.5733 35.7647  26.0000         39
Peripheral vascular s 103    148      8.5946  4.3527   2.7027          4
GI surgery for neopla 114    143     11.8392 16.3280  11.8881         17
Postop -- Other respi 119    117     10.1282 10.9718   5.1282          6
Thoracic surgery for  109     97     10.8041 10.2969   1.0309          1
Other GI causes        50     89     10.9213 19.7101  14.6067         13
Other cardiovascular   20     81     10.0617 18.7901   8.6420          7
Other Respiratory Cau  10     77     11.7532 11.5377  11.6883          9
Other metabolic/renal  40     70     11.4286  9.3300   1.4286          1
Respiratory insuffici 115     32     12.8125 18.9844   3.1250          1
GI bleed               51     25     13.4400 25.0880  20.0000          5
Other neurological ca  30     18     10.3889  8.0333   5.5556          1
Respiratory failure f  18     17     16.4118 44.9706  17.6471          3
Postop -- Other metab 121     17      9.3529 16.9176   0               0
Multiple trauma       101     15     13.3333  9.7800   6.6667          1
Respiratory failure f  17     15     17.2000 30.4200   6.6667          1
Renal surgery for neo 106     13     10.7692  5.1923   0               0
Coronary artery disea  25     11     14.0000  21.4545 36.3636          4
Cardio. failure from   24     11     16.7273  36.9364 27.2727          3
Hemorrhagic shock     112     11     14.5455  15.0727 18.1818          2
Cardiovascular failur  22     10     12.7000   6.6500  0               0
Postcardiac arrest     27      8     27.1250  70.3375 75.0000          6
Resp. failure from as  15      8     17.5000  30.4000  12.5000          1
Postrespiratory arres  14      6     25.3333  47.2833  50.0000          3
GI bleeding           113      6     15.6667  28.5667  0               0
ICH/SDH/SAH            32      5     14.6000  28.3200  20.0000          1
Dissecting thoracic/a  29      5     21.6000  50.2600  40.0000          2
Cardiovascular failur  23      4     12.2500  13.8250   0               0
Pulmonary embolus      16      4     17.5000  32.0000  25.0000          1
Respiratory failure f  12      3     19.0000  28.2333  33.3333          1
Laminectomy and other 111      2     13.5000  10.6500   0               0
Seizure disorder       31      2     10.5000   9.1000   0               0
Cardiovascular failur  21      2     16.0000   5.3500   0               0
Cardiogenic shock      28      2     27.0000  54.2000 100.0000          2
Postop -- Other neuro 117      2     19.0000  26.3500  50.0000          1
Heart valve surgery   104      1     18.0000  17.6000   0               0
Respiratory failure f  11      1      9.0000   1.5000   0               0
Diabetic ketoacidosis  42      1      9.0000   3.8000   0               0
                          Service Statistics
 Total Count this service =                            1910
 Total this service actual dead =                       199
 Total this service actual alive =                     1710
 Total this Service actual Unknown =                      1
 Average this Service Initial APACHE =                   12
 Average predicted mortality this service                16 %
 Total this Service  average actual mortality =          10 %
 Total  this Service average length of stay =             4

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