Business License Tax Compliance Services



MicroServices’ business license tax compliance service is designed to enhance revenue without raising taxes or fees.
Agencies improve service delivery thanks to increased business license tax revenues.

Improved Service to the community at a reduced cost by identifying non compliant entities and bringing them into compliance.

Five steps to increased revenue

1. Agency provides MicroServices with its business License registry

2:. MicroServices complies numerous databases to identify non-compliant businesses

3. MicroServices conducts compliance and discovery service

4. MicroService conducts audit service ( Optional )

5. Agency receives generated revenue

Step 4 is optional because in the case of AB63 discovery MicroServices will provide tools to allow City employees to manage the process and comply with the confidentiality requirements of AB63.

MicroServices’ purpose in combining extensive data, expertise and a business-friendly attitude is to increases tax compliance. Improved tax compliance levels the business playing field while increasing business license revenues.


•Identify non-reporting and non-compliant businesses
•Assist businesses through registration process



•Identify business tax audit targets with Agency staff
•Conduct business tax audits
•Submit audit summaries



Clients choose how to compensate MicroServices for recovered revenue.

• Flat fee based on use of the software tools per new license 

Periodically the agency will want to repeat the audits and can always elect between contingency or flat rate compensation.


• Contingency fee based on new revenue to Agency



Clients choose how to compensate MicroServices for recovered revenue.

Periodically the agency may want to repeat the audits and can always elect between contingency or flat rate compensation.


•Flat fee based on use of the software tools or

•Contingency fee based on new revenue to agency.


Optionally an Agency can elect to license the tools we use and perform their own audits this may be the most economical and efficient option for larger agencies. This will be extremely valuable for agencies using FTB data to enhance their compliance.


Since 1988, Micro Services has partnered with cities, counties and Consulting firms like Muni Services in developing and operating very effective revenue enhancement programs, information systems and consulting services.

MicroServices partnered with MRC in 1995 and contributed technology used to  recovered over $1 Billion in revenue for their clients. Through the Joint venture ITA "information technology Alliance." John Austin Al Charkow   and Enrique LaRoche

Reated Products

Blis Business license management software
• MuniVision Integrated Municipal Data system

Let us help you improve your identification and recovery of revenues.

Contact us for more information.

Enrique La Roche



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