Time card

is client server software  designed to meet the field time keeping and collection needs of construction companies with crews on multiple job sites.



No more phoning and faxing
Increased accuracy and increased accountability.
Improved job costing with more detailed reports on how your resources are actually being used. 
Remote access using the cell phone data network.
 Time card software allows foremen to staff the job and assign time to employees.
It allows you to allocate Employee Equipment and Vendor hours to many different job activity codes for each resource every day.
The Foremen adds hours for each resource.
The Manager or Supervisor reviews the time card and finalizes the hours.
The Payroll supervisor authorizes time card transfer to the payroll system for final review and payment.
The authorization heirarchy allows you to control the integrity of the timekeeping process.
Employee timekeeping 
Add an employee in the field 
Vendor and subcontractor hours tracking
Trucking and materials tracking.
Job cost tracking
Multiple job codes  for each resource each day. allows you to divide the resource hours among many different job tasks.
This allows you to track hours by job code.
Custom Interface From Dispatch 
Custom interface to accounting & payroll.
Web based using terminal server.
TIme Card  Requires 
Wired or wireless internet access
Windows based application Server in your  office  with high speed internet connection.
Connection to and from your dispatch and payroll systems.







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